Words on what matters to us…
Circus as Spectacle and Resistance
By Josh Nobleman
Entertainment traps me like everyone else these days. TV, of course — human behaviour performed, filtered, curated, and packaged for consumption. The trojan horse of escapism, storytelling and spectacle. Once inside our minds it unloads a hidden cargo of desires, fears, and manufactured needs designed to maximize our spending.
Suffer Sundays
By Josh Nobleman
This past Sunday, I did four circus classes back-to-back, and I'm not sharing this to brag. It was a sufferfest, plain and simple. So intense, the phrase "Suffer Sundays" got tossed around by a few others in the classes. Nice ring to it. Except that word, suffer, gave me pause. It felt harsh, negative—a word we’re told to avoid. Reflecting on that hesitation led me to write this post.