Program Values & Policies

Our Values

  • We believe that kids’ bodies should not be pushed past their limits. Our goal is for students to discover their boundaries, confront their fears, and surprise themselves with their abilities. We achieve this through a supportive environment, guided by the confidence, expertise, and encouragement of our coaches—never through fear, intimidation, or physical force.

    Children's intuition and bodily autonomy are integral parts of their being. We encourage our students to express their thoughts and feel comfortable asserting themselves, including the ability to say no.

  • We believe that circus is meant to be shared with an audience. We run a performance-focused program. Our non-competitive environment is intended to cultivate students’ creativity, confidence, and self-expression. 

  • We believe that trust and cooperation are at the heart of circus. Much of what we do requires students to take responsibility for both their own safety and that of the group. With this in mind, we practice communication skills alongside the physical feats we are learning together.

  • We believe that a successful relationship with sport is defined by its sustainability. We are committed to equipping students with the knowledge, strength, technique, and best practices needed to pursue circus for as long as they desire. Our focus is on supporting students as they cultivate a relationship with circus that works for them.

  • We believe that we have a shared responsibility to the space we have the pleasure of learning in, and encourage all students to consider the impacts of their actions and to take care of all equipment with the rest of the community in mind. 

  • We believe in the importance of our students’ ability to express themselves while feeling safe and valued. As coaches, we strive to create a supportive and welcoming environment for all students, fostering understanding and care among them. Circus is for everyone.

Our Policies

Cancellation & Refund Policy

  • Up until 48 hours from the start date of the first scheduled class you are eligible for a full refund minus a $20 processing fee or full account credit. 

  • Less than 48 hours from the start date of the first scheduled class,

    • For classes paid in full in advance, no refunds are given, unless in the case of a medical withdrawal. if you are withdrawing due to a medical reason, you may qualify for a 50% refund for the remaining classes.

    • For classes with a monthly payment plan, the remaining year's fees will be charged to your account. In the case of a medical withdrawal, only 50% of the remaining fees will be charged.

    • EXCEPTION: Foundational Classes (Hummingbirds and Sparrows)

      Students enrolled in a Foundational Class with a monthly payment plan may withdraw during WINTER WITHDRAWAL WEEK (November 23rd - 29th). If we receive an email during Winter Withdrawal Week to with notice of your intention to withdraw, your December payment will be your last payment and you will not return to classes when they resume after Winter Break.

  • We do not offer make up classes. In the rare case of classes canceled on our behalf, refunds for the classes that were cancelled will be issued to all students registered in the class at the end of their scheduled session. 

Inclusion & Support

  • In order for us to do our part in providing a positive experience for your child in our classes, we ask that you please be generous in the information you provide to us about your child in advance of them beginning classes with us.

    • If you believe your child may benefit from one-on-one support in our classes, you must get in touch with us at time of registration so that we have ample time to staff our classes accordingly.

    • We are very happy and able to bring extra adults into the room in order to ensure that our kid to coach ratio will facilitate a positive learning environment for all our students. This could be an extra coach from Island Circus, or a learning support professional from outside our staff. We look forward to discussing with you what will work best for your child during their time in our space.

    • If you would like to arrange a time to come to the space in advance of your first class, or meet your coaches, please let us know and we will be happy to schedule a visit.

    • If we are not informed of your child’s support needs in advance of their class beginning, and do not have the information we need to provide proper care, we reserve the right to remove your child from the class if they are having a negative experience due to the lack of support, or posing a safety risk to the class.

  • We are always grateful to hear anything you’d like us to know about your child, that you believe may have an impact on their time with us, or that you’d just like to share! We look forward to getting to know your family.

Pick up & Drop Off

  • Please do not arrive more than 10 minutes before the start time of your class. If you are early, please do not leave your child in the space until the previous class has ended and they are under the supervision of a coach. 

  • At pick-up, if you are parked out of our sight from the door, please come to the door to meet your child so we can see you. 

  • We have a closed studio policy. Please respect our students’ learning environment by leaving the studio during their class time, and not reentering the studio before their class is over. Our sessions include opportunities for you to come and check out what the kids are working on, during specifically dedicated days and performances. On regular class days, please respect our closed studio policy. If you ever have any questions about your child’s class or would like to request an opportunity to observe a class, please speak to your coaches or send us an email any time. 

What to bring + what to wear
to circus class?

  • All students must arrive with hair securely tied back and out of the face. If you are tight for time, please ensure that your child has a hair tie, so that they can tie their hair up when they arrive. 

  • All students must bring a water bottle to class. 

  • All students must arrive wearing no jewelry. (Earrings are permitted only for children whose piercings have not yet healed and must keep their earrings in at all times. Please notify your coach upon arrival if this is the case. Very small hoops with no backings are also acceptable.) 

  • The use of cell phones is not permitted during class time. Cell phones must remain in cubbies at all times, or be left at home.

  • All students must be dressed for circus to participate in class, this means:

  1. To wear: Clothing that is suitable to be upside down - A bodysuit, a shirt that fits tight to the body, or a shirt that is long enough to be tucked in securely. Absolutely no skirts or dresses.

  2. To wear: Clothing that is suitable for movement and stretching and will not catch on equipment - Shorts, sweatpants, or leggings that fit tight to the body. Absolutely no jeans and no zippers.

  3. To bring: Clothing that will prevent friction burns and scrapes - A long-sleeved shirt or sweater to cover armpits, long pants to cover the back of the knees if wearing shorts.

Illness, Injury & Absence

  • Preventing the Spread of Illness:

    • Please never send your child to our classes if they are experiencing cold and flu symptoms or symptoms of COVID 19. 

    • If someone in your household has tested positive for COVID 19, we request that you limit our community’s risk of exposure by keeping your child home from circus class

    • If your child tests positive for COVID 19, we request that you wait until symptoms have improved and they have been fever-free for 24 hours, and then count 5 days after that to determine when they are ready to return to circus class. 

  • Injury and Communication:

    • In the case of injuries that take place outside our space, please be sure to connect with a coach at drop-off to outline the details of your child’s injury, and discuss with us the level of participation that is recommended. If your child arrives with an injury, and we don’t feel confident in our understanding of the nature of the injury, we will not allow them to participate whatsoever until we’ve received information from you regarding the injury. 

    • If your child has an injury that will prevent them from participating physically in class, please note that they are still welcome to attend if they wish to be included in the class in other ways. If it’s close to show time, they may wish to attend to stay up to date with choreography and act creation. 

    • If your child has an injury that will prevent them from participating physically over an extended period, please send us an email at as you may be eligible for a partial medical reimbursement

    • In the case of injuries that take place inside our space, we will speak to you at pick-up to let you know what happened and if it seems like any further care and attention may be needed. Circus is an activity that causes a lot of bumps, bruises, scrapes, and burns. In the case of a more serious injury, we might require your participation in the completion of an injury report form. 

  • Absence:

    • Please do your best to notify your coaches if your child is going to miss a class, and provide as much notice as possible for any extended/planned absence. You can email us at or text us at 250-532-8282.